As Erply’s user, you don’t have to leave your customer hanging if the goods unexpectedly run out or are in short supply in your webshop or inventory – we’ve got quick solutions for all unexpected scenarios.

Erply lets you reserve items based on a customer’s order. Another great option is layaway – you determine the layaway percentage, number of installments and the date until which the items are reserved.
Erply’s checkout allows you to set up a notification (inactive by default) for when something is running low in stock. The notification, “Not enough goods in stock to fulfill order” will appear on your computer screen. The POS software will suggest a quick solution and you can submit the order for the required goods using the active link.

How to Register Sales as Orders?

Open Erply’s POS software, select “Sale options” and then “Save as order”.
3 Flexible Sale Options Available On Erplys Checkout Order Receipt Parking And Layaway blog post image
This option also lets you enter a prepayment sum. The paid and unpaid sums are listed on separate lines, the latter indicated by a minus. The order will be completed once the entire sum has been paid and an invoice has been compiled.
Erply’s software distinguishes between completed and pending sales orders, so if you open a customer’s sales order, the system will only prompt any pending orders.
It’s also possible to sort orders by the following order statuses: order being compiled (not yet approved), approved, paid, pending, completed, cancelled.
Orders can be cancelled or delivery dates changed by the administrator, i.e. via the back office, and requires a separate plugin. Contact Erply’s customer support to get the plugin; installing the plugin takes only a couple minutes.

Good to Know: Using Erply’s Checkout to Save a Sale, i.e. Parking a Receipt

If you’ve already entered a purchase in the checkout, but the customer isn’t ready to pay for the product or service right away, Erply lets you save the sale and continue tending to other customers.
Erply’s “Save sale” button that you can find under “Sale options” is specifically intended for situations like this. The function lets you smoothly continue serving other customers; you can access the unfinished sale under pending transactions.
You should clear all pending transactions before the end of the day – all transactions have to be closed, whether by payment or cancellation, when the day is closed.

Another Comfortable Option for the Customer: Layaway

“Sale options” includes a layaway option that allows stores to reserve goods for a customer against a down payment; the item will be handed over once the total price has been paid. The buyer can rest assured that they’ll get the desired goods once the payment has been made in full.

Some interesting facts you should know if you advertise the layaway option at your company

Layaway is a no-stress solution for valuables like watches, jewelry and tech. The customer can rest assured that they’ll get what they desire and any price increases won’t affect their purchase. Usually customers are required to make a 10% down payment and pay a small transaction fee.
It’s a low-risk transaction for the merchant – if the customer stops making the installments, the transaction won’t take place and the money will be refunded to the customer. A cancellation fee is usually deducted from the sum, but occasionally the customer isn’t offered a refund at all.
Layaway was first adopted in the 1930s during the Great Depression in America, when many couldn’t afford everyday purchases and weren’t eligible for loans – their only option was to collect the required sum in installments.
Layaway lost popularity in the 1980s with the dawn of the credit card. For example, Walmart stopped offering layaway in 2006 but reintroduced the option in 2011 when people’s access to credit dwindled as a result of the recession.
The contemporary layaway system has improved greatly due to e-commerce; sometimes the goods aren’t even delivered to the store at all but directly from the manufacturer or warehouse to the customer.
It’s important to keep in mind that layaway is an excellent option for lower-income families to improve their financial discipline and living standard. It provides security that money isn’t wasted on knick-knacks but is intentionally set aside for something important.
Layaway can be used to split larger payments into installments and doesn’t translate into sales or stock turnover; it merely shows all accruals. When the last installment is paid, the layaway becomes a delivery note (and that an invoice) or invoice-delivery note, finalizing the sale.
Keep in mind that the accruals must be linked to the layaway before the invoice-delivery note is compiled; any later payments will not appear on the invoice-delivery note. If needed, you can delete an invoice-delivery note and create a new document.

Erply’s helpdesk is here to help you with setup or any questions you might have. Write to us at

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