New startup solutions are becoming a big part of offline
retail, providing real-world impact in how we shop and make money offline. Take for example this recent news that we missed while it was fresh, but still is noteworthy: Estonian provider of business software, Erply, and Paypal have partnered to bring a seamless mobile payment solution to stores under Erply's LikePOS. The solution allows customers to simply "check in" to a store when entering, then pay with Paypal at the checkout counter. It's an innovation that's quick and easy for consumers, and it provides retailers with more insight into their customers and their shopping experiences. The solution also gives the opportunity to run different services, like customized offers and loyalty programs. The checkout process only requires the cashier to match the name and photo of a customer, which will likely give a quick transaction at the register. Funds are then made instantly available in the retailer’s PayPal account. And it seems that Erply has a good angle in entering the mobile payments sphere, around 45 000 stores use Erply globally, and plugging in with a suite of business software is such an easy way to sneak into mobile payments, compared to other innovative payment startups starting from scratch. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT1iy3_zhDc[/embed]