New features

  1. Support for Klarna payment integration has been added: field "klarnaPaymentID" has been added to API calls getPayments
    and savePayment
    . To enable this feature on your account, please contact customer support.
  2. Search field "referenceNumber" has been added to API calls getSalesDocuments
    and getPurchaseDocuments
  3. Field "epsiDownloadURLs" has been added to API calls verifyUser
    , switchUser
    and changePassword
    . It contains EPSI installer URLs for each operating system.
  4. The following fields (specific to wholesale of alcoholic beverages) have been added to API calls getProducts
    and saveProduct
    . To have these extra product fields on your account, please contact customer support.
    • registryNumber
    • alcoholPercentage
    • batches
    • exciseDeclaration
    • exciseFermentedProductUnder6
    • exciseWineOver6
    • exciseFermentedProductOver6
    • exciseIntermediateProduct
    • exciseOtherAlcohol
    • excisePackaging
  5. Field "packagingType", related to packaging report, has been added to API calls getProducts
    and saveProduct
  6. API now supports back office configuration checkbox ""Show in webshop" is checked by default for new products and product groups". (This checkbox will be added in Classic back office 4.11 and Berlin back office 5.12.)


  1. A validation in API calls addProductToPriceList
    and savePriceList
    , related to configuration parameter "do_not_allow_to_add_flyer_items_to_store_pricelist", has been improved.
  2. API call getFranchiseSalesDocuments
    can now detect cross-franchise returns and will return appropriately reduced quantities when queried with "nonReturnedItemsOnly" = 1.


  1. Fixed: API call getProductCostForSpecificAmount
    returned an incorrect response.