New features

  1. Compliance with General Data Protection Regulation can now be activated on demand on non-EU accounts, too — with configuration parameter "gdpr_features_enabled" = 1.
  2. A setting has been added: Settings → Configuration → Inventory and purchase → ""Show in webshop" is checked by default for new products and product groups". To have all new products created with "Show in webshop" turned off by default, uncheck this box.
  3. "Anonymous printout" option has been added to sales documents. If a customer wants to be identified for the transaction, but does not want the printout to contain their personal information, select "More..." → "Anonymous printout (PDF)" or "Send anonymous printout by email".
  4. A "verification code" has been added to invoice and receipt printouts. With this code, we will be able to verify if a particular receipt or an invoice originates from Erply, and whether the transaction details are correct — or has the printout been forged or modified (eg. to commit tax fraud). On invoice printouts, the verification code also appears as a QR code.
  5. On Actual Reports sales document printouts, a new field is available: each product's quantity in stock. (Field names are "amountInStock", "amountReserved", and "amountAvailable".)


  1. On non-EU accounts, person names are now displayed again in the following reports:
    • Reports → Sales
    • Reports → Cost of Goods Sold
    • Reports → Invoices and payments
  2. One French translation fixed.
  3. On Stock Replenishment Report, in the "Packages to order" drop-down, packages are now listed in order of creation.
  4. A validation on price list form, related to configuration parameter "do_not_allow_to_add_flyer_items_to_store_pricelist", has been improved.
  5. In report generator, the field "Total net weight" displayed unexpected values when certain plugins were activated. This field has now been renamed to "Net weight or volume (Intrastat)" and a new "Total net weight" field has been added which gives weight information as expected.
  6. Receipts can now be downloaded as PDFs.
  7. For receipts and invoices, the option "Send by email" has been removed. This option allowed to send the document as an HTML attachment. We recommend to send documents as PDFs instead, by selecting "Send by email (PDF)".
  8. Fixed: company address in invoice printout footer is now always displayed on multiple lines, to avoid layout issues in PDFs.


  1. Fixed: if a sold bundle was discounted, the sales document was created with incorrect data. (In reports, when selecting the option "Display sold bundles: by components separately", sales report totals were incorrect.)
  2. Fixed: when fetching an Actual Reports sales document printout in a different language, product unit names were not translated.
  3. Fixed: an error occurred if user attempted to confirm a purchase invoice on a franchise account, without having the rights to see product cost.