How Technology is Transforming Wholesale Distribution

The wholesale distribution industry is experiencing a tremendous technology change, somewhat disrupting the industry. Like retail customers, wholesale customers now prefer to buy online because many of the products wholesalers stock are in the online marketplace on sites like Alibaba, eBay, and Costco. Besides, who doesn’t love the convenience that comes with shopping online?

The call for convenience and efficiency has also seen manufacturers automate operations to simplify their complex processes. 

The wholesale industry is also catching up with the other sectors thanks to advancements in B2B technologies like the cloud and AI. Integrating these technologies into the wholesaling businesses has led to the most explosive changes in the industry.

Some ways technology is transforming the wholesale distribution industry include:

Process Automation

The modern consumer’s buying behavior is changing how businesses run their operations. The customer’s call for speed, accuracy, and efficiency has forced businesses to adopt new strategies to cope with these demands. As a result, companies have integrated technology solutions that reduce fulfillment errors and automate end-to-end processes. 

Some changes that have come with automating processes in the wholesale distribution business are:


The internet technology has allowed all kinds of businesses, including whole distribution, to operate online. However, the technology has also exposed wholesale businesses to cyber-attacks and data breaches. These attacks are carried out by criminals from within or without your organization and include malware, phishing, and denial of service attacks.

Cyber insecurity exposes businesses to reputation loss, especially from the bad press. When the world knows that your data was stolen, the market will not feel safe trading with you. It also disrupts the supply chain and does long-term damage to your business. Also, recovery from a cybersecurity
breach is also expensive and exhausting. 

Wholesale businesses can address these security threats by using cloud security products. Cloud security is where companies use cloud computing platforms to protect their online data from theft, deletion, and leakage.

Cloud Computing

A business that shifts to a cloud system keeps its technological functions but will no longer need to maintain them internally. Therefore, these businesses save on the cost by avoiding the upfront cost and complexities of owning and maintaining their IT infrastructure. 

Businesses that rely on a shared infrastructure that cloud computing
services offer enjoy fast and frequent automatic upgrades at a lower cost. With Cloud computing, your business will get an insight into fulfilling the customers’ changing needs and improving efficiency. 

Some ways this technology transforms wholesale distribution include:

Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence automates several business processes, increasing their efficiency. As a result, businesses increase sales, boost productivity and grow profitability. 

Some ways AI technologies are transforming wholesale businesses include: 

Additive Manufacturing 

Additive manufacturing
is the industrial production name for 3D printing. The computer-controlled process creates three-dimensional objects by depositing material in layers, one at a time. 3D printing applies to any industry that needs to create reproduction models or machine parts.

Wholesale distributors use the 3D concept to reduce the warehouse space by developing a mobile manufacturing hub. These businesses produce goods inside a mobile hub near the end-user to speed delivery. The 3D printing also ensures there is a continuous supply of manufactured goods.

The 3D printing concept can be used in wholesale business to service parts for inventory items for the automotive, marine, and aerospace sectors. Wholesalers can print out replacement parts used in these sectors where they are needed instead of buying and stocking.

3D scanning is used today in applications like Computer-Aided Designs in the aerospace and automotive industries. The scanning produces diagrams and designs used in additive and subtractive manufacturing.

3D scanning technology helps wholesalers create 3D images of their products that are unique and clear to customers. The images are placed on their business’s website to allow for placing an order. 

Wholesalers also use the manufacturer’s 3D scanned digital model or physical parts of slow-moving items in their warehouse instead of the product itself. This makes sure that they only create inventory when there are customer orders. 

Point of Sale Systems

Every wholesale business needs a warehouse management system, like Erply POS system
, to help with inventory management: keeping stock costs low, ensuring there are no expired goods, and sending a notification to suppliers when reorder levels has been reached to avoid missed orders. 

The Erply POS system also reduces the number of errors made, which means you will save money and customers will be happier. 

It allows you to easily make purchase orders, sales order, inventory transfers, and stock taking. 

Sign up
for the free trial today.


There’s a new dawn in the wholesale distribution industry. The traders are developing strategies and technologies that help them improve their operations and meet customers’ demands. So, it is time wholesalers learn how to integrate these technological trends into their businesses to enjoy the same benefits. 

Those who won’t embrace these new technologies will be left behind.