In the retail industry, the more you know your customers, the easier you can satisfy their needs and convince them to return to your store. In a world full of online shopping options, small business owners are now pivoting in creating personalized shopping experiences for turn regular customers into their most loyal shoppers.
 But how can you distinguish your most avid shoppers from the rest?
 The answer lies in your shop’s data.
 You can use your POS as a powerful tool to analyze the behaviour of your shoppers. But first, you will need to make sure you customer database is up to date.

How to track your customers

If you want to list all your clients, get in-depth reports on customer spending, or set up a loyalty program, adding customer information into ERPLY is the best way to do so. Subscribed accounts can have their initial customer list imported by our support staff.
 There are two ways to create a customer: The Back Office and the POS. In the Customer module you can create new Customer Cards by adding information such as first name, last name, email, phone number, address, etc. 

Pro Tip:
 Make sure to add your customer’s email to your database. Beyond sending them a newsletter, you can send them special offers according to their purchase behaviour.
You can add new Customers via our POS. Once your Point of Sale is online, it will send the data to your back office so you can track your customers in all of your sales points.

Divide and conquer by using Customer Groups

Create customer groups to target customers according to different variables. Some ideas to make the most out of your groups are:
Improve Your Customers Experience blog post image

Use your POS to offer Prepaid Store Credit

Did you know you can start celebrating Christmas in September? Help your customers to get the best deals of the holiday season by offering them the option to add prepaid store credit to their customer accounts. That way they can start saving for their big purchases, and they will be more enticed to come back to your store.
 To add store credit to a customer’s account, first select the customer in the POS, then click on their name to bring up the customer card. Once a customer has prepaid credit associated with their account, it is treated the same as extended credit. 
 Keep in mind that store credit is different from extended store credit. While the prepaid credit requires your customer to pay beforehand, the extended credit does not require any money down.
 There are more ways in which your Point of Sale can customize the shopping experience of your clients. Keep yourself updated by following us on Facebook
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