Newsletter: December 2023

What have we been up to?

Our updated Stocktake App is back up on Google Store and App Store with:

Get the Google Store version: HERE

Get the App Store version: HERE

More about Stocktake: HERE

Erply POS update – upgraded payment solution:

We shifted from Verifone MX915 to the advanced version of Verifone m400. You can read more here: Payment terminal update

What are we focusing on now?

Taking care of the new tax regulation in Estonia:

Starting from January 1, 2024, the standard VAT rate in Estonia will increase from 20% to 22%. In order to facilitate a smooth transition for our customers, we have created a special solution.

This solution allows users to plan for the change in advance, and it will take place automatically between 00:00 and 08:00 on January 1st.

Read more HERE.

GoERP – What have we been working on and what you should look forward to:

  1. Revamping our core products in GoERP to provide the next level experience for our customers
    • Customer Database & Relationship Management
    • Billing system
    • Product Inventory Management (PIM)
    • Purchase module
    • Invoices/orders module
    • Inventory movements
    • Employees module
    • New menu and navigation
    • Deleted items log
    • And many more to come…
  2. Dashboard
    • We are working on a new version of dashboard. Thanks to GoERP it will be flexible and customizable showing exactly what you need to see to help excelling your business. 
    • Custom reports
  3. Service app GoERP revamp

As mentioned in November’s newsletter, we are still also working on:

Learn about the ways how retailers use Erply

Manage products, fulfill orders and control sales with Erply

erply PIM