ERPLY Berlin Back Office version 5.3.21

New Features:

  • Support for TriPOS payment signatures added.
  • Check box “E-mail opt-out” added to customer card. It can be used as a filter in customer export and in Reports → CRM → E-mails, and the data is displayed both in the e-mails report as well as in customer export file.
  • Field “Price List” has been added to Invoice form, allowing to apply just one specific price list to the sale and ignoring all store or customer price lists.
  • Module “Inventory” now allows to pick items and create a Purchase Order for selected products.
  • Report Generator, table “Invoice”: Field “More precise status” has been added.
  • “Sum”, “Payment Type”, and “Currency” filters added for sales documents.
  • On purchase documents, it is now possible to apply a tax rate, or a discount to all rows at once. A “percentage sign” button has been added to the toolbar, which opens the dialog.

Visual Changes:

  • The layout of several forms and filter blocks has been updated, arranging the fields into 2 columns, instead of three. On smaller screens, a three-column layout makes some fields too narrow to use comfortably.
  • Updated visual style has been applied to the list of Report Generator reports.

Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed: It was not possible to download a receipt or invoice PDF printout that contained an image.
  • Fixed: Payment Reminder, Balance Statement, and some other PDF printouts did not work.
  • Fixed: when a matrix product with repeating dimensions had been defined (eg. color, color, size), the variation picker on invoices and purchase invoices allowed to select non-existing combinations.
  • Fixed: matrix products and bundles can no longer be added into a bundle recipe.
  • Fixed: when opening a form in another window (eg opening a User card from the list of Employees, or opening Customer card from Invoices), the background list will now update automatically after saving the form.
  • Fixed: clicking the gray bubble to reveal total number of records in a table displayed an incorrect value.
  • Fixed: in a tree (eg. Customer Groups or Product Groups), it should now be possible to drag groups both into, and out of, other groups.
  • Fixed: attempting to open a record that does not actually exist now displays an error message.
  • Fixed: some missing user rights checks have been added.
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